The Origin Story 

The idea for Erica Murphy Coaching & Consulting first came to me when I was in the trenches of my first business, my therapy practice The Way Forward.

For the first 2-3 years I was running my practice, I kept witnessing passionate, talented therapists burning out left and right all around me.

But when I would try to talk about it with colleagues, the majority of conversations never went anywhere.

There was an overarching attitude of nonchalance, as if to say: Well, that’s just the way it is. We just have to make do. [insert shrug]

But me? I’ve never been friends with the status quo. And I was NOT ok with what was happening. So I did what I always do: I started digging.

And it was during this process that I realized the problem of widespread & normalized burnout wasn’t just affecting therapists.

It was plaguing healing and personal development entrepreneurs across the board: from coaches to trainers to energy workers, and more. It soon became shockingly apparent to me what was happening here.

It wasn’t the work or the clients that were the main source of burnout.

It was that so many of us were working SO HARD - yet still struggling to make ends meet!

And this was happening in large part because we hadn’t been prepared with the business training necessary to be a successful entrepreneur.

After completing our professional training, we’re left with a HUGE learning curve in business knowledge to address while also balancing the responsibilities of our emotionally intense work - plus our lives, loved ones, & responsibilities outside of work!

So of course it’s no surprise that many of us seek out professional business support to address this issue. We release our money to people and programs who claim they have the answers we’re looking for. That guarantee the success of our business if we only commit to their solution.

And yet what often happens is that you still don’t get what you need - and it actually leaves you feeling even more frustrated (and lighter in your wallet) than before you sought help!

I realized that this was happening for a few different reasons, but the one I’ll focus on here is the following. This was happening to so many therapists and coaches because even though there’s a ton of business knowledge, coaching, support, and training out there…

Traditional business strategies and techniques often don’t work for heart-led healers and personal development professionals like us.  

Because we don’t prioritize the usual metrics of success in the same order that most other business owners do.

We're not profit-driven or growth driven in the same way. Yes, those things may be on our list, but they’re not at the top.

Instead, we are most driven by our desire for impact, fulfillment, & freedom - both for ourselves and our clients.

In fact, stats show that “to make a positive impact” is the number one reason why most female entrepreneurs in the U.S. start their business! (Source: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor).

So while financial success, getting clients, and business growth are, of course, awesome - they’re often not our core motivations.

We’re here because we’re aiming to facilitate true transformation at a deep, fundamental level.

We’re driven to co-create meaningful impact in our clients, our communities, & the world at large.

THIS realization is what sparked the epiphany that would become EMCC.

I remember thinking: Holy shit, if this is how I’M feeling - I KNOW there’s got to be SO many other values-led entrepreneurs like me out there who are seeking a different type of business support!

A type of support that would flip the script.

A type of support that prioritizes authenticity, fulfillment, and impact - and sees clients, money, & success occurring as a natural result.

Support that focused on mindset coaching and energetic alignment just as much, if not MORE, than traditional practical business strategy.

This is why I created EMCC. To address the noticeable lack of business support specifically geared towards values-led healing and personal development entrepreneurs.

To increase the entrepreneurial success rate among healers and coaches through values-first business training, support, & collaboration.

So if you’re pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down - I would love to chat with you!

You can schedule your free Clarity Call now to speak with me directly and learn more about how I can help support you in making YOUR big business vision a reality ❤️‍🔥

Cheering for you,

P.S. Don’t forget to join my EMCC Insider List! It’s the best way to stay updated on all my latest opportunities, offers, & free events 🙌