The real reason you can’t seem to delegate tasks

We think we’re afraid to delegate because other people won’t do the job as good as we can.

But that’s not true.

The REAL fear is you letting go of a task - and other people handling it just fine.

The real fear is that you’ll no longer be needed.

And all the beliefs that go along with it.

The belief that your role and your function is to take care of ALL.THE.THINGS. all the time.

The belief that you’re not worthy if you’re not DOING, or producing.

The belief that people stay because they need you - not because they want you.

And let me be clear - this belief system and training is likely one of the reasons why your business is successful. You’re used to kicking ass and making sure shit gets done and gets done WELL. Like the badass rockstar you are 👏

But here’s the rub: what got you to THIS point isn’t going to be what supports your continued evolution.

In fact, in a lot of cases the tools that helped you get HERE are actually going to become the obstacles that block you from going THERE.

The tools that worked for Old You become the very things that weigh you down and hold you back from ascending into Next Level You.

And in this way we are tested and carved and shaped by the lessons of our experiences to release all that cannot continue with us into the next phase of our journey.

So if you’re currently dealing with this fear around delegation, here are some journal prompts to help you think on it:

💫 What is my current narrative about my role in my business? How many external expectations, “should” statements, and “should not” statements am I noticing in this narrative?

💫 How has this narrative helped me succeed in life? How has it held me back?

💫 What would happen if I thanked this narrative for everything it’s done for me so far - and then blessed it and released it? What would be left?

💫 What would it feel like to give myself permission to elevate into the next level of leadership in my business?

In solidarity,

xo Erica M.

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Erica Murphy

Erica is a New Orleans native, fur mama to her chaos goblins Lazlo & Colin Robinson, and lover of coffee, wine, and the latest YA fantasy novel.

Giving Myself Permission to Thrive: The Bold Decision That Skyrocketed My Therapy Practice


You have always been the hero of your story