Welcome to BonFire

A Mastermind Group for Healers and Coaches Who Want to Make a BIG Impact in Business and Life

You're hungry for more.

You and the status quo have never been friends.

You're a disruptor, a rebel, an innovator.

You’ve got a fire inside - but you’re used to others trying to stifle it.

They want you to shrink. To be quieter. Smaller. Easier. More obedient.

They want you to be LESS because they’re afraid of your MORE.

But you were NOT put on this earth to LIMIT your impact.

You are ready and hungry to learn how to harness that fire…

and allow it to become the fuel that blazes your path forward.

The good news is, you don’t have to do it all alone anymore.

You’ve found the supportive & empowering space you’ve been looking for.

  • We will NEVER tell you to be less. We’ll inspire you to become MORE and get even LOUDER!

  • We will NEVER scoff at your ideas. We’ll help you tweak, refine, and reassess until they become a reality - no matter HOW big they are!

  • We will actively support and encourage you to shine your light as bright as possible and become all you can be - and then some!

Because we KNOW you’re here to create meaningful impact.

You’re here to change the way shit gets done and make it better.

And so are we

Introducing BonFire

A powerful & intimate mastermind group intentionally designed for inspired Healer and Coach Entrepreneurs who have BIG visions for their businesses & lives.

You’re here because you want to…

  • Scale the business of your dreams with consistent structure, support, & inspiration

  • Build real &authentic relationships + powerful professional networks with other like-minded entrepreneurs

  • Create meaningful impact for your clients & communities through work that matters

  • Design the freedom-rich life you’ve always desired

  • Fill your days with the people, projects, and opportunities you’re passionate about

BonFire can support you with things like..

  • Feeling unsure about which priorities make the most sense to pour into and exactly what you should be focusing on, when.

  • Having LOTS of big ideas, but becoming overwhelmed when it comes time to actually choose one and implement on it.

  • Attracting more perfect-fit clients at higher rates so you can have more energy for your personal life & loved ones.

  • Scaling & streamlining your business so you can make full-time income from part-time work hours.

  • Receiving the professional support & camaraderie you’ve been missing since leaving your 9-5.

  • Helping you track your goals and getting consistent, real-time feedback and accountability around them.

BonFire isn’t like that last membership you joined…

  • The one that only cost $25 to $50 and offered you consistent calls and hot seats each month, which seemed like such a great deal! Except there were always so many people on the calls, you rarely got a chance to get tailored support on YOUR stuff…

  • The one that offered a supportive community, which was exactly what you were looking for! Yet it always seemed to be different people rotating in and out of each call, and the lack of consistency meant you never had the chance to really get to know any of your fellow members…

  • The additional app or group platform which promised deeper connection outside of the calls, which you were excited about! But the overall engagement was lacking and didn’t truly provide the thoughtfulness and depth you were looking for, which made the opportunities to build real relationships few and far between…

BonFire is not structured from a business model that makes its money from large member volume - and sacrifices meaningful member relationships as a result.

BonFire was created with a very different goal in mind: to intentionally curate a safe & supportive space where deep, meaningful professional connections can come alive.

  • BonFire prioritizes member relationships through the creation of small, tight-knit mastermind groups that are intentionally tailored to remain small and intimate.

  • With no more than 6 members to a group, this gives the crucial time, space, & consistency to create the relational safety necessary to create a container of true support, empowerment, and transformation.

  • You’ll be meeting with the SAME people each time so that you can develop real & authentic professional relationships & networks.

  • No more showing up to calls and worrying that there won’t be enough time to get support around your specific question, issue, or goal for that day. There will always be enough time for you - and for each & every BonFire member!

How BonFire Works

BonFire connects you with a group of 4-5 other specially selected healer & coach entrepreneurs. Each group member commits to a recurring 90-Minute monthly mastermind over Zoom. The goal of your monthly masterminds is to create a consistent structured container for you to engage in deep focus work on your business goals and support your fellow BonFire members with theirs’.

What It Offers

Your monthly masterminds are run by experienced facilitator & EMCC founder, Erica Murphy. You’ll start with a check-in, engage in a grounding exercise led by Erica, and then group members will alternate “taking the Spotlight.” During your spotlight you’ll receive the full and undivided attention of your groupmates. Your group will support you by providing thoughtful questions, insights, suggestions, feedback, resources, and advice in response to your chosen business topic or goal for the day.

BonFire Details

  • Monthly investment is $97.

  • Your BonFire 90 Minute mastermind group will meet once a month on a Tuesday between the hours of 10am-4pm CST.

  • BonFire operates as a monthly auto-renewing subscription. You’ll receive an email reminder 7 days before each renewal cycle and are free to cancel any time without penalty.

  • BonFire is open-ended, which means you can stay for as long as you like and leave whenever you’re ready.

  • BonFire is NOT curriculum based. It is meant for self-starters who are proactive about assessing their businesses and identifying what they’d like group support around.

BonFire is for you if…

🫶 You’re a self-starter, a “make shit happen” kind of person. You don’t expect someone else to just give you the answer about what you “should” do - you like brainstorming, innovating, & figuring out what works for YOU specifically.

🫶 You understand how valuable group support is and know that receiving outside perspectives and other viewpoints is crucial to creating the strongest business (and life) possible.

🫶 You’re not a “surface level” kind of person - you crave deep, meaningful experiences and relationships in your life

🫶 You want big things in life & business - you’re not willing to settle for just “fine” or average

🫶 You’re intentional about energy & prefer to keep people around you who are growth-oriented & don’t let barriers stop them for long

🫶 You’re collaborative, not competitive. You know there’s more than enough to go around and you love hyping up & celebrating others’ successes!

The mission of BonFire is to leverage the power of community and togetherness to combat the isolation & business overwhelm so many entrepreneurs face.

Designed by EMCC Founder Erica Murphy, BonFire is an affordable monthly membership specially curated for Healer & Coach solopreneurs who feel like they’re out here doing this self-employment thing all by their damn selves.

BonFire’s goal is to connect passionate wellness entrepreneurs with a cohort of similarly driven healers and coaches who want to support each other through the ups and downs of building their successful values-aligned businesses.

Because you know you’re going to be successful no matter what - but the journey would be a lot more fun if you were doing it alongside your business besties!

🔥 BonFire FAQs

  • BonFire is a monthly auto-renewing membership that places you in a mastermind group of 4-5 other values-led healer or coach small business owners. Think of them as your new business besties! You’ll work together to achieve business goals, hype each other up, help each other grow, and support each other through hard times and business stumbling blocks. You’ll commit to a 90-Minute monthly mastermind curated by experienced facilitator and founder of EMCC, Erica Murphy, where you’ll build connections and relationships with your mastermind groupmates as you achieve your business goals (and have fun while you’re at it!).

  • Your 90-Minute Mastermind groups take place virtually over Zoom. Masterminds occur on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between the hours of 10am-4pm CST.

  • Research consistently shows that you are more likely to achieve your goals if you share them with others. And when you engage in regular check-ins to share your goals, review progress, and get support through challenges? The average success rate skyrockets to 95%!

  • The results you experience from BonFire are directly correlated with both your goals and the energetic commitment you pour into it. If you fully commit to this experience, you can expect to experience results like the following:

    Slash business expenses by swapping experiences, advice, resources, and budget-friendly software and automation ideas with your BonFire cohort as well as receiving feedback about when to trim unnecessary aspects of your systems, operations, and software.

    Free up time to tackle the important stuff on your to-do list as your BonFire group helps save you the many hours you would have spent trying to streamline your business processes solo.

    Speed up implementation timelines through brainstorming sessions with your mastermind besties as they help you clear hurdles so you can get revenue flowing in faster.

    Increase client retention & loyalty by getting constructive feedback from your group about how to continue streamlining and improving your customer engagement and retention processes to keep them satisfied, delighted, and coming back for more.

    Diversify your revenue streams and tap into innovative business ideas as your BonFire chats open up opportunities for new profit avenues.

    Increase your brand's visibility and draw in a broader audience as your cohort helps you brainstorm fresh new marketing ideas and hold you accountable to your implementation plans.

    Reduce stress and overwhelm when tackling tricky business problems or struggles. Your mastermind pals have your back with diverse perspectives and creative solutions to help you quickly solve current issues and proactively avoid future problems.

    Increase your wellbeing and productivity as you receive the emotional and practical backup to help you streamline your business and create a healthy work-life balance.

    Reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation that often come with being an independent entrepreneur. We’re here to work hard AND have fun together!

  • While we recommend a minimum of 3 Months engagement to truly see results from the program (this would equal a total of 3 masterminds) - the length of BonFire is up to you! You’re welcome to stay for as long as you like, and leave whenever you’re ready.

    It truly depends on each member’s specific needs and goals. Some folks will stay for a few months and exit once they’ve completed set goals. Others will incorporate BonFire as a consistent aspect of their long-term business support & development plan.

    Regardless of how short or long your term, you’re free to cancel without penality whenever BonFire is no longer in alignment for you. You’re also more than welcome to re-apply whenever you’d like to return!

    *Please note that if you cancel your membership we cannot guarantee placement in your original group upon your return.

    1. Submit your application.

    2. If we determine that you’re eligible for BonFire, you’ll receive an invitation to schedule an interview with Erica. You’ll schedule your interview and get a chance to meet Erica, get to know her better, & ask any questions you may have about BonFire.

    3. After your interview, you will be notified of your BonFire status via email.

    4. If accepted, the next steps in the process are determined by group availability. You will be notified via email whether you are:

      1. Immediately assigned to your mastermind group. At this time you will be provided with the link to purchase your BonFire membership. PLEASE NOTE: If you have not paid for your membership within 10 business days of receiving this email, your spot will be considered forfeit and we will offer it to the next person in line. After payment, you will receive the Zoom link to your monthly mastermind group.

      2. Placed on waitlist. If groups are currently full, you will be placed on our waitlist. We will check in with you throughout this time to ensure you are still interested in BonFire, and will notify you once you’ve been assigned to your group.

  • While inclusivity is a prioritized value at EMCC, the chemistry between groupmates is one of the most crucial contributing factors to the success of a mastermind group such as this. With that in mind, Bonfire is intentionally curated with the goal of creating the most optimal space possible for healer and coach entrepreneurs who have the goals of 1) motivation and 2) evolution. Ensuring mindset and energetic alignment is highly necessary to create relational safety for all parties involved, and with this in mind, only applicants who are an appropriate match for this type of commitment will be invited into the group. Please see below for further examples of who this group IS in alignment for.

  • Heart-led & Values-driven. You crave authenticity, impact, and true connection. You started your business because you wanted the freedom and autonomy to things your way. You strive to create deep transformational results with your clients, and you lead with your values when it comes to making business decisions. Treating your clients fairly and equitably is your top priority, and you put your heart into curating the best possible client experience you can.

    Hungry to grow your business & make it your full-time income source. You're eager and excited to cultivate your entrepreneurship mindset and grow your business! You’re ready and willing to put in the work you know will be required, and you’re excited for the opportunity to tap into a community of like-minded entrepreneurs for support.

    Prefer casual & human-to-human professional settings. The LAST thing you find enjoyable is formal stuffy work settings where you feel like you have to follow some pre-ordained script and arbitrary power hierarchy in order to be deemed “professional.” You want to be able to kick back, put up your feet, and just talk, human to human - without constantly monitoring your speech to censor out any of the f-bombs that sometimes roll off your tongue.

    Growth-Oriented & Solution-Focused You're driven, focused, and interested in growing and evolving. You hold a deep belief in your ability to enact change in your life. Rather than getting stuck fixating on the barriers and blocks, and lamenting everything that’s not working - you view problems as challenges you’re up for solving, and you tend to fairly quickly move from problem-identification mode into solution-finding mode. You love brainstorming and talking through creative ideas and ways to streamline and improve processes and experiences.

    Rebel with a Cause. In many spaces, you’d probably be labeled as a disruptor. On a macro level, you understand that the vast majority of systems are held up by unequal power differentials and limited accessibility, resulting in Grand Canyon-wide gaps of privilege and resources. On a business level, you love looking at the current norms in the industry and figuring out ways you can do things differently to create more equity, accessibility, and value for your clients and/or audience.

    Ready to do the work! You'll get as much out of this group as you put into it. You'll have the opportunity to connect with other amazing entrepreneurs, but no one else can tell you what you need or how to best utilize this space. Make sure to take full advantage of the wisdom present by preparing before each meeting to intentionally identify what you'll bring to the space and how the group can help support you.

  • Entrepreneurs who are NOT healers or coaches. This space and facilitation experience is specifically designed for wellness professionals.

    Content with things as they are. You're very comfortable with the current state of your business and don't feel a pressing drive for growth in terms of clients or cashflow. It would be nice to grow, but you don’t feel a sense of urgency or hunger related to making your big vision a reality.

    Prefer traditional and formal professional settings. The thought of someone dropping an f-bomb in a professional setting makes you want to gasp and clutch your pearls. No hate to you if that’s the case - we all deserve to feel safe and comfortable when engaging with our fellow humans! It’s simply a helpful indication this group won’t be a comfortable space for you, and we encourage you to seek out one that has a more traditionally professional vibe.

    Passive participants. You approach group participation with a passive mindset. You prefer to lean back and rely on others to drive the conversation around you. You expect the facilitator to help you figure out what to talk about and how to best use your time during groups, and you do best in structured step-by-step curriculum groups and workshops.

    Prefer the familiar. You prefer stability and predictability over change and innovation. Rather than seeking out new and creative approaches, you're more comfortable sticking with familiar methods and processes. While you recognize the value of brainstorming, you tend to prioritize practicality over creativity in your decision-making.

    If you are currently struggling with processing and regulating uncomfortable emotions and your responses to them. If you are experiencing struggles with mental health symptoms that are intense enough to significantly disrupt your daily functioning and ability to regulate your mood and emotions, we recommend you seek professional mental health support (such as a therapist or psychiatrist) rather than a group coaching experience. Trying to engage in active mindset and behavioral change is an inherently challenging and stressful experience that is likely to exacerbate symptoms of mental and emotional distress.

  • The monthly fee for BonFire is $97 as of March 2024. BonFire operates as a monthly auto-renewing subscription. When you make your initial purchase of the program, your payment method will be saved and then automatically charged on that same day each month moving forward.

  • You are free to cancel at anytime! BonFire’s purpose is to serve as a valuable support source in the development of your business and entrepreneur identity. If at any time BonFire is no longer in alignment for you, you’re able to easily cancel your subscription using either of the following options:

    1) Auto Cancel: You will receive an email every month notifying you that your subscription is set to renew in 7 days. You can click the “Cancel” button at the bottom of this email to be taken through the cancellation process.

    2) Manual Cancel: Email contact@ericamcoaching.com and let us know you need to cancel your BonFire subscription; make sure to include your first and last name in the email so we know who to cancel for. Please note it may take us up to 48 business hours to manually cancel your membership.

    P.S. You’re also more than welcome to re-apply if at some point in the future you’d like to return to us!

  • BonFire is NOT a curriculum-based workshop with pre-selected topics provided to you. While the masterminds are run by an experienced facilitator, at their core they are meant to be a self-directed experience that provides a consistent & structured container for you to utilize in the manner that works best for you.

    All group members are expected to proactively prep for each mastermind by reflecting and identifying the topic they would like to bring to the group for their Spotlight time.

  • Our Monthly Masterminds are usually structured as follows:

    1. Check-in: Grounding practice

    2. Intention Setting

    3. **Spotlight Time

    4. Check-out: Energizing Practice

    **Spotlight Time - Each member of the group will have the opportunity to “take the Spotlight” during our 90 minutes together. You’ll receive the full undivided attention of your groupmates and facilitator as you share your chosen issue, question, or area of support for that meeting.

    You will also be encouraged to make a clear request of what you’re looking to receive from your groupmates during your Spotlight (i.e. advice, feedback, validation, troubleshooting, brainstorming, resources, networking, etc.) so that you can receive the most effective support possible.

  • Here are some suggestions for how you can view the mastermind space and what it can best be used for:

    Brainstorming: Think of each meeting as a chance to chat about your biggest work hurdles, share feedback & advice, and swap practical solutions. Rather than just your one individual brain trying to figure everything out, you can access your supercharged, infinitely more knowledgable and powerful “group brain!”

    Learning Lab: You can view every mastermind as an active learning playground. You're not just sitting back and passively digesting information. You're engaging, reflecting, sharing, discussing, supporting, applying insights, practicing new strategies, and getting targeted feedback about your growth trajectory.

    Accountability to Action: We're all about making your dreams, reality! Your group can help you set up clear next steps, track progress on your goals, and give you a boost to stay on track. Each meeting accelerates you further along in your business journey, helping you produce tangible results we can see and celebrate together!

    Support & Validation: Entrepreneurship can be an isolating & lonely experience, especially when you’re trying to figure out stressful situations or difficult decisions all on your own. Sometimes, you just need to hear someone you trust tell you: “Hey, don’t worry. You’re doing a good job. You can’t fuck this up. Everything is going to be fine. How can I help?” See? Better already.

  • We understand that your business doesn’t exist in a vacuum, completely separate and untouched by the rest of your life. Which is why in our meetings, feel free to dive into any topic that’s front of mind or top of heart. Whether it's navigating client dynamics, making tough decisions, maintaining work-life balance, or unpacking how your personal stress is affecting your professional productivity. The magic happens when you're real and open to exploring whatever's on your plate, and the diverse mix of experiences and viewpoints you’ll receive in return makes every meeting all the richer.

    *Note: If you are experiencing struggles with mental health symptoms that are intense enough to significantly disrupt your daily functioning, relationships, and/or ability to regulate your mood and emotions - BonFire is likely not appropriate for you at this time. We recommend seeking professional mental health support to more effectively address your needs.

  • Each group will have no less than 4 and no more than 7 members. This allows time for each member to “take the spotlight” and have the group’s undivided attention & support around their chosen topic. Each BonFire mastermind group will be closed (i.e. the same people each time) so that you have the opportunity to build a container of relational safety and strong bonds with your groupmates.

  • There is no formal requirement to engage above and beyond your 90-Minute monthly mastermind. For those who would like the opportunity for additional relationship building, members receive each others’ contact information and have the option of choosing to engage with each other in between their monthly masterminds.

  • Erica is available for direct 1:1 contact via her paid coaching services. Erica also provides monthly free opportunities for engagement, such as her monthly workshops and Coaching Office Hour. The most effective way to know when these are happening is to join Erica’s EMCC Insider List.