Your job isn’t to focus on the steps - it’s to hold the VISION 💫

Your job as an entrepreneur and business owner isn’t to fixate on the HOW.

Your job is to hold the VISION for your business - and trust it to guide you forward.

Casting and holding the vision is what you - and ONLY YOU - can do for your business. It is what you are meant to do for your business.

And let me be clear: I'm not saying to never have a plan. Of course it can be helpful to plot out next steps! 

But be wary when you notice yourself forming an attachment to the steps and to-do’s. When you notice yourself starting to fixate and obsess over the concrete steps rather than the overarching Vision. 

When you go into this space of over-identification and start developing strong attachments to your desired outcomes - it’s an indicator that you have entered a wounded space.

You are subconsciously operating from this space of wounded energy, trying to force results because your identity and self-worth have become linked and dependent on the validation that comes through your business accomplishments.

Your subconscious is telling you that if you can just DO, then you’ll feel safe and secure.

Except this is a lie. Because it’s not possible to “productive” our way into validating our worth.

You’ll know you’re responding from a wounded space when you start to experience that anxiety, that overwhelm, that sense of burden or boredom or numbness when it comes to how you're feeling about your business.

No shame or judgement here - it happens to us all from time to time. We're only human, after all 🤷‍♀️

This loss of perspective is stemming from your emotional wounds and manifesting as you over-identifiying with steps and to-do's - because it feels easier and safer to play small.

It's much scarier to return to walking in your greater purpose and holding the VISION you’re meant for.

So remember: it’s not your job to focus on the HOW.

It’s your job to hold the VISION and pay attention to the single next step that’s right in front of you. And doing your best to take aligned action when it comes to that step. 

I dare you to try this strategy out for one single day - and let me know how it goes.

I believe in you. You got this 💫

In solidarity,

xo Erica M.

Questions or comments? Drop a comment below or DM me on Insta 💫

Erica Murphy

Erica is a New Orleans native, fur mama to her chaos goblins Lazlo & Colin Robinson, and lover of coffee, wine, and the latest YA fantasy novel.

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